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Version: 2.0.27

Auth Providers

This menu [Configuration>Account Management>Auth Providers] can be used to configure Authentication Provider. Currently the system allows to use only a Microsoft AD as an Auth provider.

The list of Auth Providers is contained in a table which has the following columns:

  • Type - now AD only
  • Name - AD provider name
  • Status
  • Host
  • Port
  • Domain -
  • SSL
  • Actions
    • Edit - edit an existing User
    • Change password - change User password
    • Delete - delete User

To add a new Auth provider click New auth provider button then fill in the form:

  • Type - now Ad only

  • Name - Ad provider name

  • Active switch button

  • Host - host IP address

  • Port - service port number

  • Domain - AD domain name

  • SSL switch button

  • Default role

  • Roles map

    • Ad role
    • System role
  • Privacy - assigning privileges

    • Private - accessible to the owner

    • Public - accessible to all.

      • Public permissions
        • Delete
        • Edit
        • Execute
    • Shared - accessible to one or more selected roles. Available privileges are:

      • Delete

      • Edit

      • Execute

      • View